Finally, the spread of pornographic content is officially spread in Setop

Pojok Nasional. Other people do, you might even get the stone. This is why people should stop spreading pornographic content for any reason.

Whether it's forwarding it from a conversation application like WhatsApp, and deliberately uploading it to social media, it would be better if the pornographic content stops you.

Because, in addition to having an impact on the parties concerned, spreading pornographic content can make you entangled in criminal law.

"KPAI appealed not to distribute videos that contain elements of pornography and violence. If we accept the share, it is enough to stop at us, do not disseminate it again," said Retno Listyarti, Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission in the education sector.

Not only that, storing pornographic content can also be dangerous for minors. Even if they accidentally see it, for example on a parent's cellphone.

According to child psychologist Ruth Zulhaqqi, consumption of pornographic content is not at all good for the psychology of children and adolescents because it can cause addiction.

He explained, a scene or pornographic image that sticks to the memory can make people's minds imagine and repeat watching again. Next, this can lead to the desire to fulfill sexual desire.

Ratih continued, the situation worsened when parents who were constrained to carry out surveillance from the start, were also unable to communicate sexual education appropriately.

As a result, it is not impossible for underage children to be encouraged to take irresponsible actions and not according to the norm.

In addition, spreaders of pornographic content can also be ensnared by a number of articles.

An example is the catastrophe that happened to Ibnu Arif, a fruit trader from Malang. Ibn was detained by police on charges of violating the law and was subject to a multi-layered article for the spread of thousands of immoral videos into facebook groups, which was then viral.

Ibnu admitted that his motive to spread content was because he wanted to give a deterrent effect to the immorality he suspected as a resident around his residence. In fact, the perpetrator in the video he got from his friend via Whatsapp was totally unknown to him.

Legally, pornographic content in Indonesia is regulated in three provisions stated in the Criminal Code (KUHP); Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography (Pornography Law); and Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law) which has been amended into Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the ITE Law (Law 19/2016).

Changes to the ITE Law only lie in general offenses that turn into complaints, the rest remain the same.

Furthermore, Article 6 of the Pornography Law explicitly regulates the storage of pornographic products, that everyone is prohibited from owning or storing, including displaying and so on.

Coverage of Article 4 of the Pornography Law is even wider. In paragraph (2) it is written, the pornographic content in question includes, among other things, coincidence - including deviant ones; sexual violence; masturbation or masturbation; nudity or impressive nudity; genitals; and child pornography.

While paragraph (1) shows the prohibition on producing, making, multiplying, duplicating, disseminating, broadcasting, and trading.

According to Information Technology Specialist Ruby Alamsyah, the category "making" actually does not apply if men and women who record sexual activity agree, the photo or video is only for personal consumption.

Because, as stated in article 1 point of the Pornography Law regarding the definition of pornography, any content in any form can be considered pornographic and punishable if it contains a message that violates the norms of decency in society.

Exactly, if consciously published and informed to individuals and the wider audience.

An individual example can be seen in the case of Saiful who was jailed for five months in 2012 for sending an obscene text message to Adelian Ayu Septiana. Adel who felt uncomfortable reporting the matter to the police and the case went to the Supreme Court.

The examples of audiences, most often occur when personal content is intentionally shown to close people, then spread widely.

"Third parties and so on who already have the information may spread it intentionally or unintentionally because the gadget is stolen," Ruby said.

Sanctions for the makers and disseminators of pornographic content are regulated in Article 29 of the Pornography Law, with imprisonment of at least six months and a maximum of twelve years and / or a fine of at least Rp250 million and a maximum of Rp.6 billion.

Article 27 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law also stipulates that "Everyone intentionally and without rights distributes and / or transmits and / or makes access to Electronic Information and / or Electronic Documents that have contents that violate morality."

Violations of this article are regulated in Article


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