Claims Minister Susi Has Drowned 488 Fish Thieves in Indonesian Sea

Buletin Nasional. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), led by Susi Pudjiastuti, noted that as many as 633 vessels carrying out illegal fishing have been captured during January 2017-October 2018. With a composition of 366 Indonesian-flagged fishing vessels and 267 foreign fishing vessels.

Susi said that of the total 488 vessels that were perpetrators of illegal fishing had been sunk.

"A total of 488 ships that perpetrate illegal fishing have been sunk based on a court ruling or decision," Susi said in Jakarta on Thursday (11/22/2018).

As the Commander of the Illegal Fishing Eradication Task Force (Task Force 115), Susi said the Task Force had carried out law enforcement duties. Until now, the task force has handled 134 cases of illegal fishing, of which 41 cases have received court decisions that have permanent legal force.

"Our results have been very good. By proving the capture of foreign fishing vessels, the performance is increasing every day. We hope that we will not increase again (illegal fishing vessels), instead we have nothing to catch. But apparently when the wind season is good, the fish season comes, there are still some who try several times, "he said

The Task Force 115 continued Susi had also succeeded in capturing the STS-50 ship which was an international fugitive for committing fisheries crimes in various countries. Task Force 115 has formed a working group consisting of several countries to follow up the findings of the FV vessel investigation. STS-50.

"We have also discovered the mode of illegal fishing operations such as the use of flag of convenience by beneficiary owners in other countries, false flag claims through falsification of certificate of registry documents, recruitment of crew members from other countries without complete permit documents, until landing fraud (not declaring / report the type and amount of fish correctly), "he concluded.


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